
Who Is

If you have pruchase FlowTrack, BotNeo or CloseGPT beware of the real Mike Brown!

Seems Like A Nice Guy, But Is He?

Wire Fraud

Usually Nice Guys aren't on trial for alleged Wire Fraud steaming from an online credit repair scheme


Usually Nice Guys aren't arrested and detained for conspiracy to commit wire fraud.

Online Scammer

Usually Nice Guys don't rake in over $5.2 Million dollars via a credit repair company using fake rental properties to lure people in to charge them fees for credit repair.


When we did a little research on Michael Brown AKA Mike Brown we were shocked to find out about his past  and current present.

You will be shocked to see what we uncovered about the man behind some pretty smart looking software platforms that are tied to your bank accounts.

What We Uncovered

Under false pretenses, the defendants fraudulently attracted over 2.7 million visits to their websites and deceitfully enrolled approximately 169,000 customers in credit monitoring services, ultimately generating approximately $6.8 million in revenue.

Mike Brown

Owner of Credit Bureau Center AKA "MyScore" FlowTrack, BotNeo, CloseGPT

Adrew Lloyd

Independant Contractor - Photo not available

Danny Pierce

Independant Contractor - Photo not available

What They Allegedly Did!

From 2014 to 2017, they orchestrated a widespread online marketing scheme that involved posting fraudulent advertisements for rental properties all over the United States on a classified advertisements website. The primary objective of this scheme was to deceitfully entice prospective customers into checking the credit scores on credit monitoring websites owned by BROWN, under the guise of obtaining a credit report. This enabled the automatic enrollment of these customers into monthly memberships for credit monitoring services, all done under false pretenses.
Are you the next victim?

The Present

In 2017, a significant event occurred involving Mike and his team, the details of which are not explicitly stated. However, the relevance of this event now lies in the fact that they were found guilty of some wrongdoing. As part of the settlement, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) required the company to reimburse all the ill-gotten gains obtained through their fraudulent activities.

This is the pivotal moment when Mike and his legal team achieved a significant triumph. They skillfully contested the validity of the statute employed by the FTC to secure their victory in the case, asserting that it did not grant the commission the authority to compel restitution. This argument was fiercely debated, eventually reaching the Supreme Court. In a landmark ruling, the court delivered a blow to the FTC, declaring that they lacked the power to enforce the return of Mike's ill-gotten gains using that specific statute.

Click here to read the article on this part

Dog And His Bone

Unsurprisingly, the government did not take kindly to this setback, perceiving it as a setback rather than an outright loss. They promptly returned to the drawing board, determined to reframe their argument. Meanwhile, Mike Brown, sensing the shifting tides, made the decision to leave the United States and relocate to Mexico, where he embarked on his next online venture called FlowTrack. 

FlowTrack is steadily gaining traction, drawing in early adopters who are enticed by its enticing offers of lifetime deals and user-friendly software. Mike, the architect behind this venture, is basking in the success as new sales pour in, despite some murmurs of discontent from dissatisfied subscribers. However, this promising trajectory abruptly halts on October 27, 2022, when Mike receives a summons to return to the United States. As soon as he arrives at Newark International Airport, he is promptly arrested, bringing his thriving enterprise to an unexpected standstill.
Full Story Here

The resilience of FlowTrack during this period remains somewhat of a mystery, given that Mike was not only the centerpiece but also the public face of the company. Our investigation reveals that he was highly involved in his community, frequently appearing on live streams via social media platforms on a weekly basis. Interestingly, videos from Facebook indicate that Charles Edge emerged as a prominent figure, stepping in to lead discussions and provide training for the rest of the year. We are currently seeking an interview with Mr. Edge to delve further into these developments.

Records show Michael Brown was released on bail in December 2022 pending the outcome of the government's new charges of Wire fraud and Conspiracy to commit Wire fraud.
Download the Indictment Here


Mr. Brown's path ahead seems to be fraught with obstacles. If you happen to be a subscriber to any of his recent software offerings, it is only natural to feel a sense of concern. If convicted, Mr. Brown could potentially face a substantial prison sentence. While we refrain from making any assumptions about guilt or innocence, it raises questions about the potential presence of undisclosed methods to extract hidden fees through transactions within his new technology. Additionally, there is also the possibility that your subscription fees are being utilized to fund his trial defense, potentially diverting resources away from fully supporting the technology itself. The looming question remains: What will happen to your business if Mike is incarcerated?

Given the multitude of unanswered questions, it becomes increasingly challenging to feel assured about risking your hard-earned money and entrusting your business dreams to FlowTrack. Ultimately, when you do not have ownership of the software, you are essentially placing your faith and trust in their leadership to safeguard your investment. 

Below are the public resources used:

Is The Creator of FlowTrack a Crook or just Crooked?

Did you buy Flow Track basic, White Label, or Black Label? Do you feel that paid good money for a product that you will never take to market and recoup your money back? Do you feel adandoned by the new releases of other software like BotNeo and coming soon CloseGPT? 

Are you caught in a Software Launch Scam where you buy software  filled with bugs on the premise that it will be resolved but never is so you do feel confident reselling it. Or were you told the software was easy to use only to find out you needed to be a developer to configure it.

Have you noticed any irregular billing on your statement that don't add up?

If you have any concerns email us below. The FBI may want to hear about your experience.


Cyber Crimes are a huge problem. Let us know if you have experience any issue of concern.